Coaches Corner

Special Olympics coaches play a vital role in the success of Special Olympics.  Despite it being one of the most demanding responsibilities you may ever take on, we challenge you to find one more rewarding!


Coaches have access to a variety of information, training plans, and guidance to help the athletes on their team reach their full potential. 

Trainings & Resources

All Class A Volunteers (i.e. County directors, coaches, assistant coaches, chaperones, bus drivers, county committee members) are required to have a background check, Protective Behaviors & Concussion Awareness trainings on file with SOWV.

Coach Training

Special Olympics WV believes constant training and education not only helps grow our athletes, and increase their skills, but keeps our coaches and volunteers up to date with changes.  


This is why Special Olympics requires at least one CERTIFIED Coach for all sports, individual and team.


In accordance with Special Olympics International (SOI) and Special Olympics North America (SONA) guidelines, Special Olympics WV recognizes 3 levels of volunteer & coach certifications.


  • Sports Assistant
  • Certified Coach (required to attend SOWV State games)
  • Advanced Certified Coach (required to attend USA or World Games)


**For specifics of all volunteer and coach requirements, click here


Share your Sports Knowledge

Are you an experienced SOWV or high school/college sport coach interested in helping train other coaches in your community or around the state?


Contact Wendy Miller to learn how to become a Certified Clinician.


Additional Coach Resources

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