Local Program Director Resources

This guide includes helpful editable documents. They are a great resource that should be used to assist in planning and managing your local program.

As a local director, there is general information you need to know.

For full accreditation, the local director must adhere to all of the requirements as outlined in the local coordinator job description. These requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Local Program Accreditation form
  • Annual budget form
  • VIK (Value-In-Kind) form or spreadsheet
  • Review and update list of committee members
  • Active updated Athlete Participation Forms and Volunteer Screening Forms on file with SOWV
  • Manage pooled banking system and handle finances based on the SOWV financial policies and procedures.
  • Represent SOWV appropriately within their local program.
  • Adhere to all SOWV/SOI policies and procedures.

If all requirements are met to receive full accreditation, the accreditation will be current for the program year.

If a local program does not meet the above requirements, it will be considered eligible for provisional accreditation. Provisional accreditation means that the director can still operate the Special Olympics local program in their jurisdiction, but will have to complete certain requirements within a specified time frame (ex: submit attachments for accreditation by… certify at least one coach by….). The local program will need to go through the accreditation process again the following year.

Non accreditation is when a director received a provisional accreditation for the previous year and still does not meet the above requirements.  Non accreditation means that the coordinator cannot conduct any business, including training and competition, in the name of Special Olympics.

Enforcing the requirements for accreditation is simply to ensure that everyone conducting business in the name of SOWV is doing it correctly and appropriately.

The Local Program Coordinator is the accredited representative responsible for leading Special Olympics activities within their county or program.

This role includes, but is not limited to:

  • Recruiting enthusiastic community members to serve in leadership roles
  • Attending educational training opportunities throughout the year
  • Ensuring volunteers are properly trained and maintain certification status
  • Connecting community resources to fund opportunities for local athletes
  • Maintaining proper records and ensure that all paperwork is submitted in a timely manner
  • Managing the fundraising efforts of the local program

To learn more, check out the SONA Local Program Guide

  • Local Program Check Request Form – Local programs who need bills paid or advances must complete this local check request form.  If seeking reimbursement, receipts must be attached.
  • Local Program Deposit Record – This form is to be used to capture and document all deposits into centralized accounts.  
  • Local Program Fundraising Event Notice  – Local programs that plan to conduct fundraising activities/events in the name of Special Olympics must complete this form. This form must be completed at least two weeks prior to the event or activity being held.
  • Sample Knights of Columbus LAMB Foundation Letter – This document is a template for KoC donation requests that can be filled in with specific local program details. 
  • Local Program VIK Acknowledgement Letter – This document is a template for VIK receipts that can be filled in with the donor/donation details. 
  • Sample Corporate Letter – This document is a donation request template for company sponsorship. It can also be edited for donation requests of individuals.   
  • Sample Corporate Benefits – This example is of potential benefit tiers to correspond with the size of a donation. This page should be sent with the “Sample Corporate Letter” and can be edited to best fit the local community and/or needs of the program. 
  • Learn more on our Become an Athlete page.
  • Athletes must have a current Athlete Participation Packet and release on file with the local program director, and the SOWV state office BEFORE participating in any practice, training or Special Olympics activity.
  • According to Special Olympics General Rules, athletes must train a minimum of eight weeks before the culminating competition, usually the state-level event.  Additional weeks of training are beneficial to the athlete’s overall experience.  Practices should be scheduled on a regular basis (weekly or more frequently) to provide ample opportunity for the athletes to learn the rules and to improve their ability.

Volunteers may participate as year-round or day volunteers. Volunteers may assist at events, on committees, coaches, fundraisers, officials, medical, or in many other ways.

Difference between a Class A and Class B Volunteers: Class A volunteers are in leadership positions (e.g. coaches, committee members, Games Management Team, etc.). If they are a single day-volunteer, and aren’t driving athletes anywhere, they are a Class-B volunteer.

Class A volunteers must complete a Volunteer Screening Form prior to volunteering as a coach, chaperone or Games Management Team member.  Please share this link with your prospective Class A volunteers.

Protective Behaviors & Concussion Awareness Training are both required for all Class A volunteers and must be renewed every 3 years. Additionally, a background check will be conducted. We care about your privacy.

For more information, check out the Become a Volunteer page.

  • Language Guidelines – please refer to these guidelines when speaking to volunteers, media, on social media, etc.  Share this with volunteers, parents, coaches, or anyone else affiliated with your program.
  • Approved letterhead should be used when communicating to athletes, coaches, volunteers, sponsors and the community.  
  • Accredited sub-programs may have and maintain their own social media profiles, provided said social media profiles meet minimum brand guidelines as outlined below:
    • Use the official accredited sub-program logo as the profile image.
    • Follow Special Olympics naming conventions: “Special Olympics _____ County”
    • Follow all Special Olympics language guidelines and graphics standards.
    • Have a SOWV staff member as an Admin on every social media account.
  • Social media profiles include but are not limited to Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and Instagram accounts.
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